11.02.9010 (ROLINE)
USB кабель, Штекер USB Типа A, Штекер USB Типа C, 500 мм, 1.6 фут, USB 3.1, Черный
The 11.02.9010 is a 0.5m black USB 3.1 Cable Assembly with a type-A plug on one end and a type-C plug on other end. The cable comes with an inside PE moulding and outside PVC moulding. The solder type male connectors come with a nickel shell. The type-A connector features a blue insulation and type-A connector features a black insulation.
- 2R Maximum contact resistance
- 5MR Minimum insulation resistance
Области применения
Компьютеры и Периферия, Промышленное