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Преобразователь индуктивности в цифровой сигнал, разрешение 24 бита, 4.75В до 5.25В, SPI интерфейс

Technical Data Sheet EN
Product Change Notice EN

БрендTEXAS INSTRUMENTS НаименованиеLDC1041NHRR Страна производстваMalaysia СкладFarnell

Преобразователь индуктивности в цифровой сигнал, разрешение 24 бита, 4.75В до 5.25В, SPI интерфейс

The LDC1041NHRR is an Inductance-to-Digital Converter provides system designers a way to achieve high performance and reliability at a lower system cost than other competing solutions. The LDC1041 is pin compatible with the LDC1000 (16-bit Rp/24-bit L) and the LDC1051 (8-bit Rp). It offers system designers different resolution options based on their application and system requirements. The Inductive sensing is a contactless, short-range sensing technology enabling high-resolution and low-cost position sensing of conductive targets, even in harsh environments.
  • Remote sensor placement isolating the LDC from harsh environments
  • High durability (by virtue of contactless operation)
  • Higher flexibility for system design (using coils or springs as sensors)
  • Insensitive to non-conductive environmental interferers (such as dirt, dust and oil)
  • Magnet-free operation
  • Sub-micron precision
  • Green product and no Sb/Br

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Соответствует Фталатам RoHS:
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SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества):
No SVHC (27-Jun-2018)
RoHS статус: