20-313145 (VERO)

2 880 Р
(включая НДС 20%)
Доступно: 1 шт.

Контрольные точки платы, Черный, Монтаж в Сквозное Отверстие, 1.32 мм, Фосфористая Бронза

Technical Data Sheet EN

БрендVERO Наименование20-313145 Цена заПакет из 100 Страна производстваGreat Britain СкладЭЛИМ

Контрольные точки платы, Черный, Монтаж в Сквозное Отверстие, 1.32 мм, Фосфористая Бронза

The 20-313145 is a black PCB test-point Loop Terminal Assembly with tin-plated bronze contacts for 1.32mm hole size. This PCB test point is used for attaching leads for test scopes and probes with scintered glass insulator. The sintered glass bead has a recommended maximum working temperature of 475°C. This exceeds all current standard temperature profile requirements.

  • Compliant pin design allows terminal to be inserted without damaging hole plating
  • Terminal will remain in place even when the board is inverted for soldering
  • Borosilicate sintered glass bead
  • Phosphor bronze (BS2873) wire loop with (3 to 5µ) electroplated bright tin plating
  • Pins for board < 2.4

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Тестирование и Измерение

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