06035A101JAT2A (AVX)
Многослойный керамический конденсатор, 100 пФ, 50 В, 0603 [1608 Метрический], ± 5%, C0G / NP0
The AVX multilayer ceramic capacitors with EIA class I, C0G (NP0) dielectric material are highly stable ceramic chip capacitors for general purpose applications. This multilayer ceramic capacitor is a monolithic block of ceramic containing two sets of offset, interleaved planar electrodes that extend to two opposite surfaces of ceramic dielectric.
- Capacitance value ranges from 0.5pF to 0.1µF
- EIA 0101, 0201, 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812, 1825, 2220, 2225 case sizes available
- Rated DC voltage of 6.3V, 10V, 16V, 25V, 50V, 100V, 200V, 500V
- ±0.10pF, ±0.25pF, ±0.50pF, ±1%, ±2%, ±5% and ±10% tolerance
- Nickel (Ni) and tin (Sn) plated terminations
- Load life of 1000h at 125?C
- Operating temperature range from -55?C to 125?C
Области применения
Промышленное, Управление Питанием, Потребительская Электроника, Переносные Устройства
Market demand for this product has caused an extension in lead times, delivery dates may fluctuate