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Макетная плата, Leopard Gecko, 868МГц, 128x128 ЖКД, мониторинг энергии

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БрендSILICON LABS НаименованиеSLWSTK6200A Страна производстваNorway СкладFarnell

Макетная плата, Leopard Gecko, 868МГц, 128x128 ЖКД, мониторинг энергии

The SLWSTK6200A is an EZR32 Leopard Gecko Starter Kit that is an excellent starting point to evaluate and develop on the EZR32 Leopard Gecko wireless MCUs. The core of the WSTK6200 is the wireless starter kit (WSTK) mainboard (BRD4001) which features an on-board J-link debugger, an advanced energy monitor for real-time current and voltage monitoring, a virtual COM port interface and access to the packet trace interface (PTI). The WSTK mainboard is paired with an EZR32 Leopard Gecko radio board that plugs directly into the mainboard. The radio board feature the EZR32 Leopard Gecko itself and the RF interface. All debug functionality, including AEM, VCOM and PTI, can also be used towards an external target instead of the included radio board. To further enhance the WSTK usability, the WSTK mainboard contains sensors and peripherals demonstrating some of the wireless MCU's many capabilities.

Области применения

Компьютеры и Периферия, Беспроводное


2 BRD4001A Wireless starter kit mainboards, 2 BRD4502A EZR32 Leopard Gecko 868MHz WSTK radio boards, 2 868MHz Antennas with SMA connector, 2 CR2032 Lithium batteries, 2 USB type A to USB Mini-B cables, 2 USB type A to USB Micro-B cables.

Архитектура Ядра:
Количество Бит:
Линейка Продукции:
Название Семейства Чипа:
Номер Ядра Чипа:
Подархитектура Ядра:
Производитель Чипа:
Silicon Laboratories
Содержимое Комплекта:
2 основные платы, 2 радиоплаты EZR32LG330, 2 антенны 868МГц, 4 USB кабеля, 2 литиевые батареи
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To Be Advised
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