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Интерфейсная плата оценочного модуля, EV2400, подключение ПК к SMBus, I2C, HDQ, или DQ через USB

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БрендTEXAS INSTRUMENTS НаименованиеEV2400 Цена заШтука Страна производстваUnited States СкладFarnell

Интерфейсная плата оценочного модуля, EV2400, подключение ПК к SMBus, I2C, HDQ, или DQ через USB

The EV2400 is an evaluation module interface board, which enables an IBM compatible or other type PC (with the required driver for its particular platform) to communicate with the SMBus, I2C, HDQ, or DQ interface gas gauges via a universal serial bus (USB) port. In addition to this board, PC software is required to interpret the gas gauge data to complete the evaluation system. The EV2400 controller is an MSP430F5529 running at 4MHz. The controller firmware is stored in flash memory and is executed by the core at power up. The controller communicates with target devices through either a two wire SMBus communication port, a one wire HDQ port, or a two wire EEPROM I2C port. The two wire SMBus communication port supports both SMBus and I2C protocols. CRC 8 checksum verification for the data packets prevents data corruption over the USB.
  • Fully powered from the USB port
  • Optional 5V port for powering high power voltage drivers (future upgrade)
  • Complete interface between the USB and SMBus, I2C, and HDQ (8/16) interfaces using a simple API
  • Expansion port for future upgrades

Области применения

Связь и Сеть, Промышленное


EV2400 circuit module, Standard USB cable

Линейка Продукции:
Номер Ядра Чипа:
Подтип Приложения:
Производитель Чипа:
Texas Instruments
Содержимое Комплекта:
Оценочный модуль EV2400, USB кабель.
Тип Приложения Набора:
SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества):
No SVHC (27-Jun-2018)
RoHS статус:
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