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Оценочный комплект, микроконтроллер STM32F107VC, EvoPrimer Base, управление на базе МЭМС

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БрендSTMICROELECTRONICS НаименованиеSTM3210CPRIMER Цена заШтука Страна производстваChina СкладFarnell

Оценочный комплект, микроконтроллер STM32F107VC, EvoPrimer Base, управление на базе МЭМС

STM3210CPRIMER is a uniquely fun, easy, low risk Raisonance's primers solution for exploring, evaluating and developing applications for the STM32 microcontroller. They include everything that users need to better understand the STM32 peripheral implementation and operation. The complete evaluation tool includes base and target board. The EvoPrimer base has a removable transparent cover and USB cable which includes features such as the debugging/programming interface and most of the hardware features that you need to evaluate the capabilities of the target MCU. The base can also be extended by using its add on connector to add components and circuitry. The EvoPrimer target board(s) include the target MCU and may also include additional hardware features for target MCU evaluation. The complete EvoPrimer plugs directly into a host PC USB port for in-circuit debugging and device programming.
  • EvoPrimer range includes USB connector and MEMs sensor
  • Comprehensive development software
  • Ergonomic design, Micro SD Card connector
  • MEMs based controls, Touchscreen TFT display, color LCD, Joystick, Audio Jack, MEMS accelerometer
  • Add on connector for extension boards with USART, SPI, I2C and analog/digital I/Os
  • Li Ion battery with charge management circuit
  • STM32F connectivity line EvoPrimer feature STM32F107VC MCU with 256KB Flash, Mini USB OTG connector

Области применения

Привод Двигателя и Управление, Медицинское, Переносные Устройства, Потребительская Электроника, Промышленное, Охрана, Аудио


EvoPrimer Base, STM3210CPRIM-D Target Board.

Архитектура Ядра:
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Содержимое Комплекта:
Основание EvoPrimer, целевая плата STM3210CPRIM-D
SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества):
No SVHC (17-Dec-2015)