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Макетная плата, платформа носимых вещей, совместимость с Arduino, круглый, сшиваемый, поддержка USB

Technical Data Sheet EN

БрендADAFRUIT НаименованиеADAFRUIT FLORA WEARABLES Цена заШтука Страна производстваUnited States СкладFarnell

Макетная плата, платформа носимых вещей, совместимость с Arduino, круглый, сшиваемый, поддержка USB

FLORA is Adafruit's fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA comes with Adafruit's support, tutorials and projects. Check out dozens of FLORA tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System, with more added all the time! The FLORA is small (1.75" diameter, weighing 4.4 grams). The FLORA family also has the best stainless steel threads, sensors, GPS modules and chainable LED NeoPixels, perfect accessories for the FLORA main board. The FLORA has built-in USB support. Built in USB means you plug it in to program it, it just shows up - all you need is a Micro-B USB cable, no additional purchases are needed! We have a modified version of the Arduino IDE so Mac & Windows users can get started fast - or with the new 1.6.4+ Arduino IDE, it takes only a few seconds to add Flora-support. The FLORA has USB HID support, so it can act like a mouse or keyboard to attach directly to comp
  • Kit with plenty of parts for making different fun projects

Области применения

Хобби и Образование


FLORA main board, Flora wearable GPS module, Eight flora RGB NeoPixels V2, 3 AAA battery holder, Stainless thin and medium conductive thread, Needle set, Crocodile clip test lead, USB cable, 4 alkaline AAA batteries, Two PN2222 transistors, Two 5mm IR LED

Архитектура Ядра:
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Подархитектура Ядра:
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Содержимое Комплекта:
13 плат, токопроводящие элементы, перемычки, кабель, батареи, компоненты
SVHC (Особо Опасные Вещества):
To Be Advised
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